Helpful Links
On this page you will find links to ensembles we perform with regularly, student organizations and other tools for students.
Professional Ensembles
Please take your children to see as many professional concerts as possible! Students should be exposed to the highest level of playing so they know what they are aspiring to. Here are a few of the organizations we regularly play with:
Albuquerque Chamber Soloists
Chamber music of the highest quality using the best musicians in the area.
Weekly and monthly performances, featuring new music from living composers, along with some classics.
The Santa Fe Symphony
Symphonic orchestra based in Santa Fe
Santa Fe Pro Musica
Chamber orchestra based in Santa Fe
New Mexico Philharmonic
Symphonic orchestra based in Albuquerque
Albuquerque Chamber Soloists
Chamber music of the highest quality using the best musicians in the area.
Weekly and monthly performances, featuring new music from living composers, along with some classics.
The Santa Fe Symphony
Symphonic orchestra based in Santa Fe
Santa Fe Pro Musica
Chamber orchestra based in Santa Fe
New Mexico Philharmonic
Symphonic orchestra based in Albuquerque
Student Organizations
Here you can find links to performing groups for students and other organizations for students and parents of students. Take your kids to see a concert performed by other kids! How inspiring!
Albuquerque Youth Symphony
One of the top youth orchestra organizations in the country. Seven (count them- SEVEN!!) different groups. The top orchestra tours internationally!
New Mexico All State
Once a year, high school students from all around New Mexico gather and rehearse for a very intense few days to produce an amazing concert.
Suzuki Association of the Americas
Here you can find out more about the Suzuki method, as well as information about institutes and other resources.
Albuquerque Youth Symphony
One of the top youth orchestra organizations in the country. Seven (count them- SEVEN!!) different groups. The top orchestra tours internationally!
New Mexico All State
Once a year, high school students from all around New Mexico gather and rehearse for a very intense few days to produce an amazing concert.
Suzuki Association of the Americas
Here you can find out more about the Suzuki method, as well as information about institutes and other resources.
Other Tools
Here are some other helpful tools for students.
All things music theory!
Seventh String tuning fork
An online pitch generator. Very helpful during scales!
Write your own music!
All things music theory!
Seventh String tuning fork
An online pitch generator. Very helpful during scales!
Write your own music!